200 Dogs Saved from Death Row
£10,000 DONATED
Medik8 has made the commitment to award 'The Zipper Foundation' with a minimum annual budget of £15,000. Our first donation of £10,000 will help close this dog meat farm in South Korea and kick-start the launch of The Zipper Foundation. Fittingly, Zipper's last act was to save the lives of his friends.
This donation in memoriam has been given to Humane Society International to pay for food, supplies, medical and behavioural treatment for all of the 200 dogs saved from death row, in their latest dog meat farm closure.
The Zipper Foundation does not want to preach, look down and tut at every scenario we feel doesn't live up to our ideals. We want to take Zipper's values of being judgement-free and not making presumptions, by helping those who want to make the change for themselves as much as we want for them. The farmer in this case, has worked in collaboration with HSI in order to transition his farm away from dog meat and puppy milling - forever - making this farm closure the ideal project for our foundation launch and in memory of Zipper.